FAQ | Choice Health
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Frequently Asked Questions


How do I know if Choice Health Palliative Care services are right for me?

You may be a good candidate for Choice Health Palliative Care services if you have a serious illness or chronic condition that affects your daily living.  This may include, but is not limited to:

  • Cancer

  • Heart disease

  • Lung Disease

  • Kidney disease

  • Alzheimer's or Dementia

  • ALS

  • and More

If you are not quite sure, CLICK HERE to take a quiz that was created by getpalliativecare.org.

What exactly is it that Choice Health Palliative Care services do for me?

Our focus it provide relief from the symptoms and stress associated with a serious illness or chronic condition.  We do that with a team of medical professionals and experts.  Each Choice Health patient is assigned a Nurse Practitioner will be your personal provider, advocate, navigator, care coordinator and more!  He or she will will:

  • Relieve symptoms and distress

  • Help you understand disease processes and diagnoses

  • Help clarify treatment goals and options

  • Understand and support your ability to cope with your illness

  • Assist in making important medical decisions

  • Coordinate with your doctors and other providers

  • Improve your overall quality of life, empower you and ensure a peace of mind that you are making the best decision about your health

How often and how long are Choice Health Palliative Care visits?

The time your Nurse Practitioner spends with you, and the frequency of his/her visits all depend on your specific situation and prognosis.  We have patients who are seen daily and others who may not be seen but once a month.  It all depends on your specific needs.

How long will I be on Choice Health Palliative Care services?

A lot like the question above, we will provide services for as long as it is required.  There is no time limit for how long we can provide services to you.

How much do will Choice Health services cost me?

Most insurance plans cover all or part of our services...This is also true of Medicare and Medicaid.  Typically, whatever you pay for specialist services is what you will pay for Choice Health services because we are considered a specialty service.  However, a Choice Health representative will work closely with you to confirm and help with payment options.

Do I have to give up my own doctor?

No.  Choice Health Palliative Care works as an extra layer of support and is a partner with your primary doctor, specialists and other providers.  We are an independent company which even gives us the ability to work with whoever your home health care provider is, if you are on home health services.  

Where will I receive services from Choice Health Palliative Care?

Choice Health Palliative Care comes to you for services...That means you will receive services in your home or wherever you live.  We will go wherever you want us to for visits!

Can I have curative treatment while on Choice Health Palliative Care Services?

Yes, absolutely!  Treatment choices are up to you.  Our focus is to help you manage symptoms associated with your disease process.  This means that we can even help improve the effects of curative treatment you may be receiving. 


For example, recent cancer guidelines say that cancer patients should receive palliative care early and together with their other treatments. People who are newly diagnosed with advanced cancer should receive a palliative care consult within 8 weeks of their diagnosis. 

Are Choice Health Palliative Care Services the same as Hospice?

NO!  Our services are not the same as hospice...In simplest terms, what separates us from hospice can be summed up by 2 factors.

  • Prognosis - Hospice prognosis is typically 6 months or less while our service are 6 months or more.

  • Curative Treatment - Hospice does not focus on curative treatment while our services do.

When is the best time to start services Choice Health Palliative Care?

Choice Health is right at any stage of an illness, but the earlier we can begin working with you the more effective we can be.

How do I get started on Choice Health Palliative Care services?

All you have to do is ask for it!  Complete the form below or call us at 806.731.4000 to schedule and initial consultation.

Reach out to us!

Complete the form below to be contacted by a member of our team.  Or, call us at 806.731.4000.

Want to hear more? Leave your info and we’ll get back to you.

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